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September 12, 2011

First there was E-commerce then M-commerce now there is T-commerce. 

What is a Tablet?
A portable personal computer which has touch screen features a technological notebook that allows you to be mobile.

Tablet commerce, also known as T-commerce, has been on a rise since October this year. Research shows that T- commerce has been rising steadily amongst shoppers online these last few months and that nearly over 50% of device sales are from the tablet. When talking about T-commerce we are not talking about apps for I pads, we are talking about specially developed websites for the Tablet. These websites are compatible to Tablets still having the look and design of a website. 
One company that has focused on T-commerce has been Amazon. As Amazon has been concentrating on their T-commerce website and now offer 2 applications there has been an increase in their sales through M-commerce. Customers who are shopping on T-commerce sites are mostly visiting and buying from Amazon. As many companies are still trying to catch up with M -commerce and Applications for both mobiles and tablets there has not been much competition for Amazon regarding T commerce hence there huge share of sales within the tablet market.
With the variety of tablets on offer now   and recent studies it shows that T-commerce and the rapid increase in sales in recent months will not be a short term affair. Unlike the E-commerce, T-commerce does not track the traffic from clicks but instead smudges and swipes.

So why are people using tablets more than their mobile?

Firstly it is portable, user-friendly and a lighter version of the laptop. Who wants to constantly take out their laptop out to purchase products and wait for it to load up when they can take out their tablet swiftly from their bag.

Shoppers still hesitate when shopping on M-commerce, fearing it is not safe and their details can be hacked into. Even though this is not the case and M-commerce is a secured way of shopping, shoppers still tend to find tablets safer to shop online.

Customers can buy instantly on their Ipad while they are on the bus, car etc. It is more mobile than other devices. They no longer have to wait until they are near a computer, making shopping more efficient.

There is a variety of activities customers can do on the tablet compared to using a mobile, reading, browsing, working, use apps, shopping the list continues. You can do these activities to some extent on a mobile but it is not the same experience and is far less enjoyable. 

Recent studies showed those who own all devices preferred shopping on the tablet due to the efficiency and engaging experience. Customers find it more engaging using the tablet as they are able to see products more clearly compared to their mobile phones.

What does the future hold for T-commerce

Retailers are now looking into getting T-commerce websites developed, not just apps but more user friendly websites. It is said that within the next four years, tablets will be a huge hit amongst everyone and that 1 in 5 will be using a tablet. It has also been stated that T-commerce will overshadow computer sales within the following years.

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