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Tips, tricks and all the goings-on here at KOL Limited.


July 02, 2012

With today being Safer Internet Day we are here to promote safety and responsible use on the internet amongst children, young adults and buyers online.  With more people using the internet it is important to stay safe online. Here are our top tips in staying safe online;

Safer buying online

Passwords should be long, have a mix of letters, numbers and symbols when possible

Paying online “ use a secure payment gateway when buying online like PayPal, World pay etc.

Manually put your details in, do not allow your browser to save details, for example your billing and card details should be written manually. This is important for data protection.

Encrypt your wireless and let it be password protected

Update your virus protector on your computer and also ensure your firewall is switched on. This limits hackers and viruses to get on to your computer

Ensure you are buying from a legitimate website have a thorough look on the website. Does it have the payment icons at the bottom for example payment gateways such as PayPal. Check the companys background registered address. If not those check if it is has an SSL certificate or a Veri sign logo and that it is PCI compliant. The website might have one or all of these which can help identify if it is safe to buy online.

Safer for children 

Let your child use a family email address

Do not let children give out there personal details.

Pictures images telephone numbers should not be given out

Let children learn the SMART rule.

Use appropriate security settings on the computer and offer different level of security for your family members.

The minimum age to have a Facebook account is 13.

Keep your password safe

Remember the internet is public and they are strangers.

At KOL Limited we are an ethical company and the websites we build are secure and are bug free, we ensure that our clients websites have all the safely measures put in place when launching the website. We also believe children and adults should be safe on the internet when browsing, networking or shopping.

By KOL Limited

10+ Experience


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