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Plans & promotions in time for Christmas- Get your website up to scratch

October 14, 2013

Make the most of these festive seasons by creating your store or website with us without any further delay.

Last year alone, Experian Marketings survey of retailers found that emails featuring seasonal gift guides generated a 48 percent higher transaction rate when compared with other promotional mailings.

Every company must have a strategic sales plan around Christmas time. You must have at least a plan in place for specially promoted items like the ones you may send in a news letter/gift guide incase them items may run out.

Our plan is to help you create and add the Newsletter functionality onto your website, or if you do not have a website or online store, then we can create that for you in time for Christmas!

Inventory could run out quickly depending on the offer “ possibly even before customers in other time zones open their email. Not having items in stock can also be an opportunity to acquire and engage customers. Depending on the offer, retailers may want to stagger of shortlist emails so they can deal with the demand.

Gift guides become that much more authentic by using user-generated content to feature specific items. For example, retailers can tap constantly updated information such as Ëœmost wished-for, Ëœtop-rated, Ëœbest-sellers. The key is to push the promotion and make this information visible and easily accessible on the home page, throughout the site, and on all your social media channels. Retailers may also want to market this user-generated content in-store to encourage customers to participate via ratings and reviews.

Great use of imagery will not only help tell your product and brand story, it can reinforce to customers why your product is the gift to give.

You dont need to even get a whole team to support your bespoke website you just need the right development company.

By KOL Limited

10+ Experience


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