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How to attract viewers and get more likes to your Facebook page?

November 12, 2013

Do you want to steal more Facebook likes? Or you are planning for even bigger and want to make your Facebook promotion a success? Lucky you, as you are going to read some of the best pro tips in next few seconds. As we can see that internet marketing strategies have evolved a lot in recent years. Social media marketing is emerging as a new weapon to capture ever dynamic internet market. But are you missing the real juice behind this action packed scenario?

Have you ever noticed that this entire buzz is revolving around the content? Folks are continuously sharing content to promote their products in the form of Facebook posts, Inforgraphs, ppts and pdfs. Facebook marketing is playing a very big role these days. Here in this post I am sharing my own experience with Facebook, I hope this is going to change your perception regarding Facebook and will help you In attracting more viewers to your page.

Facebook page creation done, Products promotions done, but hey, I am not getting my bucks back! What is wrong? I guess you failed to build a community, a community which is essential to build brand awareness and deliver expected ROI.  Just because your post is getting views doesnt mean that you will get the expected results. If you really want to attract fans that can actually help you in driving the results you want, you have to post something that is informative yet attractive. Lets discuss about the various kinds of posts you can use to get more viewers:

1. A little humor is crucial element

A little humor can change a persons mindset completely, even if only for few seconds. A post full of humor gets more likes compared to an ordinary promotional one. Its an emotional treatment that promotes positive feeling. If your viewers find your post entertaining, chances are they will repost it or share it on their page.

2. Hold your readers with a story

If you failed to engage your readers, your services and offers wont get any attention. Now the point is how to engage them. Post a story or personal experience that could be a funny, sad, emotional or stunning one. Touch the heart of your readers.

3. Controversial posts

Post on controversial subjects that sources engagement. Make sure that the post leaves a space for discussions. Right post will draw the attention of your fans.

4. Post about new ideas and resources Share some great ideas or resources through your posts. Your viewers will love to read the posts that are vital. Dont just a post a single link; include some useful information with that as well. 5. Let the images tell the story

Post images that are funny yet informative. Always remember to add some information with the images that are being posted.

  Some more tactics to get more likes to your page: A like on your Facebook page is not just a like; it indicates that a real person is interested in your brand. He/she want to get regular updates from your page. You can follow these below mentioned tips to increase your page-like count:

1. Add social buttons to your website and blog.

2. Offer something unique to your fans like eBooks, coupons, contests etc.

3. Dont always promote your business; sometimes try to figure out what your customers actually think about your products with the help of a feedback counter.

4. Create special offers for the peoples like, œFirst 100 people who will like this page today will get discount on xyz product or something like that.

Always remember that the ways to promote and market your business or Facebook page can be different but at the end they all should leave a positive image in the minds of viewers. Touch the soul of your viewers and build trust.

By KOL Limited

10+ Experience


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