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Twitter post ideas: #Top Tactics that can drive overwhelming traffic

December 27, 2013

Mr.James “ Hello Saint. The New Year is on the door step. But I am still worried that how I can get more out of my social media presence.

Saint “ Hey James, what happened, still worried about your likes and tweets.

Mr. James “ No, I am bit nostalgic and often think that the old times were much better, now I spend more time on social media than I sleep but still does not get anything out of it.

Not only James but every day we get 100s of queries from our clients and 1000s of people wonder what they can get out of twitter in all true sense.

Lets answer these queries before we gift you our tactics to help you get more out of Twitter.

Are you ready to tweet? Do you have a twitter account or you are still thinking about it?

What makes your twitter followers engaged? Stream of tweets or stream of resources?

What your posts/tweets are all about? Are they informative or just promotional?

These above mentioned questions are necessary to be answered while working through this post.

Before you even plan to fly with Twitter its essential that you have your launch pad ready on twitter. So get up and register on Twitter right now. One of the subtle issues while creating any social media account is that often new players miss out to complete their profile correctly.

Twitter has three very important areas which many of us neglect completely. And these are:

1. Your Name and Bio “ Remember that your name or your business name is how people are going to associate with you. Your customers will identify you with your name. It is also very important that the user name you are going to use on twitter is similar to the ones you use on other social media accounts.

Bio - Just remember one thing that you have just 160 characters to make an impression or break it. So the best way is to keep things simple and try to summaries everything about you within 160 characters.

2. Youre Location“ Lets assume that you have a big client set but you havent updated your address, imagine how you can expect them to find you or reach your business without any proper address.

3. Profile and header image- You have two options for pics/images. Try to update them both in order to give a professional look to your profile.

Once you are done with the above then its time for you to tweet. Here are some tweet ideas you can use to gain traffic:

1. Recommend something useful

Have you found any informative video, workshop or magazine? Post a link to that guide and share your views about it.

2. Post link to interesting content

Make your followers engaged by posting a link to the blog post of yours that contains exclusive information about your services or products.

3. Post reviews

Have you attended any seminar? Or bought any new techno gadget? Write a short review about it. You can also write a full review on your blog and share its link.

4. Be humorous

As we discussed in our last post, being funny can be an effective medium of engaging viewers. Tweet about something funny. It can be a quote, meme or short story.

5. Pay attention to followers

Reply them when necessary. Interact with your followers in a positive way.

It is crystal clear that without a database of active followers all the marketing tactics are just sheer waste of time. So its time to increase your follower database and visitor count, follow the above mentioned golden tactics and build brand awareness.  Before we wrap up here are few things which you should keep in mind every time you are on twitter.

Do not panic  “ Do not try to follow too many people in one go. You may end up getting your account suspended.

User Behavior  “ Technically twitter does not only use your followers data base  to determine the nature of your account but it also focuses a lot on people you follow. So before you start following people or being followed make a clear roadmap to what are you going to expect from your twitter account at the end of the day.

By KOL Limited

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