After Facebooks recent update, users will be seeing more content from their family and friends, and obvious less from the brands. It means that brands will be seen much less. So does this mean that the world has come to an end for the businesses? Well, not exactly! Although Facebook is prioritizing posts that trigger conversations and meaningful actions between users, its certainly not the end for the brands.
Facebook is not chucking out the brand page content from the news feed completely, its just that to improve the user experience, the brands will be seen less.
Agreed that the latest News Feed roll out by Facebook is not all hunky dory for brand pages but a little change in your strategy will ensure that you are not left behind. We have rounded a few tips to help business pages to seen in the Facebooks News Feed.
Post More Video Content
Users on Facebook like good quality videos. So try to publish as much video content as you can. If your video content is worth watching, then users will come back to your page for more videos. And in turn you will get preference in the News Feed.
Go Live
Try to go live on Facebook as much as you can. This will initiate conversation and conversations in return mean getting more visibility in the News Feed. When going live remember, your viewers must gain something out of it.
ËœSee First Option
Facebook has given users control to select what they want to see first in their News Feed with the introduction of ËœSee First option for pages. Now you can capitalize on this function, though its not all that easy. Users will want to see content first if they like your content. You can try to encourage users to see you first.Â
Avoid These Baits
Facebooks algorithm considers engagement bait as a spammy tactic. If as a brand page you want to be seen in the News Feed, dont use comment baiting. Your post should not ask users to comment with specific answers (words, numbers, phrases, or emojis). On the similar lines dont ask people to tag their friends. React Baiting also is considered spammy and likewise vote baiting.
Dont ask people to vote using reactions, comments, sharing, or other means of representing a vote. Asking people to share the post with their friends is also devalued action in the News feed. It will make it difficult for people to see your posts.
Facebook Ads
By leveraging Facebook ads, you can reach your target audience. This way you can ensure that your message gets seen. With Facebook Ads, you have an option of targeting parameters so that the people who are important to your brand see your post.
Let us know in the comments below what you feel regarding the recent change in the Facebooks algorithm. For any assistance regarding your digital marketing strategy, get in touch with KOL Limited, a Digital Marketing Agency.