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February 06, 2014

Panda Update 4.0: Unleashing the Future of Content Marketing

With giving a pause to all the rumors fired since last few months, Google on 20th May 2014 officially announced the roll out of yet another Panda update termed as Panda 4.0. Surprisingly Matt Cutts personally tweeted about its confirmation in the..
January 23, 2014

Effective Content Curation Tips

Recently I was travelling to L.A and came across this gentleman. We had coffee together and then just out of curiosity I enquired about his profession. œHey what do you do for living? He raised his grey brows and replied in a hush hush..
December 24, 2013

10 Pro Tips: Your Ecommerce Website's Christmas Checklist Delivered!

Just in case you are still busy with your office and you didnt know “ the big day is fast approaching! Its Christmas. What about the preparations? Have you done shopping or still selecting your favorites from Amazon, eBay or any of your other..
October 14, 2013

Just in case you are still busy with your office and you didnt know..

Make the most of these festive seasons by creating your store or website with us without any further delay. Last year alone, Experian Marketings survey of retailers found that emails featuring seasonal gift guides generated a 48 percent higher..
August 20, 2013

Online Marketing is the future of New and Small businesses

Online marketing is the solution for all new, big, and small companies, especially now that everyone is turning to and relating solely on Ecommerce. With the ever-increasing number of new internet users, companies in the same field as each other are..
August 03, 2013

SEO and SMO is what it takes to crack the World Wide Web

The worldwide web is drawing millions and trillions of online surfers and shoppers. Last year alone £78 billion was the estimated value of the UKs online retail market in 2012 and with it setting such a high barrier you would think it had reached..
July 05, 2013

SEO- Do it right for the results

Ecommerce website design and Search engine Optimisation is a tough industry to be in, as everyone wants to be on the top spot and on the first page with the most amazing website. KOL Limited knows just as much as the next person the importance of..
June 08, 2013

A brief overview of the key trends to follow for 2013

There are many new trends, which been introduced daily in the Ecommerce industry by different companies, businesses, media etc. Everyone follows the new and unique trends to compete and raise the barrier for their opposition. They want their..
May 16, 2013

There are many new trends, which been introduced daily in the..

A press release is a proven method to broadcast companys news and happenings to the world. It is a kind of announcement that you can publish online and the interesting thing about this is that it will be broadcast to masses once people start sharing..
May 11, 2013

Promote your Business/website in the right way

There are many ways and reasons why people are likely to be looking at your website and the products and services you offer. They may have heard about you personally, been recommended by a friend/relative, or have seen your work/stock featured in a..
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